Original Oil Painting

Size unframed: 40cm x 35cm

Size framed: 52cm x 47cm

Price: SOLD

I am intrigued by time and how it passes without us realising it. Our lives are so affected by time with each memorable moment passing by so quickly. Time reminds us that we are pure mortals and eventually time will run out for each of us. The yellow flowers indicate birth and growth in childhood and the desk calendar reminds us of each day passing. The egg timer reveals the time actually passing before our eyes as does the pocket watch. The candle burning reminds us that eventually the flame will go out and we will be no more. The small rotting apples had fallen to the ground around my apple tree and were in a state of decay and the spectacles are a reminder that old age creeps up on us and affects how we live.

This painting has been sold but if you would like something similar painting just for you please contact me here.

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