Oil on Canvas

Size: 350mm x 270mm unframed

Available Framed or Unframed

Price: SOLD

I have long been an admirer of Caravaggio’s work, especially his still life painted around 1600 called ‘Basket of Fruit’. When I first saw this painting I was fascinated by the detail and realism of the fruit and this has inspired me over many years to reach that standard of workmanship and skill. Whilst I will never match Caravaggio’s accomplishments I decided to have a go at recreating his painting. Although I love his composition of the fruit in the basket, I did not like the vine leaves on the right of the painting as I thought it led the eye off the canvas. I therefore decided to leave this out. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of ‘painting in his brushstrokes’ so to speak and did feel a connection with the great man.

To give some idea of what the painting may look like framed I have shown two images below.

Why not have a look at the original on the internet and make a comment if you wish about my effort. I am always pleased to hear from viewers.